Objective To summarize the experiences with early treatment of the wounded associated with 4·20 Lushan earthquake in army hospitals.  Methods Emergency response programs were started and tent hospitals were set up. According to the basic principle of wartime wound treatment regulation, emergency triage, emergency medical care, transferring, specialized treatment and evacuation were performed for the wounded in this earthquake. Results After the earthquake, the emergency rescue programs were started in the hospital. Twenty minutes later, emergence medical team with full equipment were set out for the epicenter and the tent hospitals were set up. A total of 181 earthquake cases were admitted within two weeks, of which 68 (37.6%) were transferred from the scene of earthquake and 113 (62.4%) were transferred after the primary treatment (including cases evacuating from other hospitals). Forty-nine surgeries had been done, including 30 emergence ones. Thirty-four cases (including 14 severe wounded) were evacuated to superior hospitals as their vital signs turned stable. There was no death or surgical wound infection. Conclusions Peacetime complete emergence programs  and materials reserves, unified and well-organized command as well as normative grading treatment system in army hospitals assure the standardized medical care with high efficiency and high quality for earthquake victims. However, more researches are needed over diagnosis methods and standards for wound severity, equipment improvement and standards for casualty evacuation."/> 芦山地震伤员震区驻军医院内的早期规范救治 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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中华创伤杂志  2013, Vol. 29 Issue (8): 679-681    DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1001-8050.2013.08.003
芦山地震专题报道 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
Standardized early medical care of Lushan earthquake victims in army hospitals
ZHU Hao, ZHOU Ji-hong, YANG Ren-yi, XIAO Wei, MAO Zhi-you, QIN Xian-yun
Department of Orthopedics, 37th Hospital of PLA, Ya’an 625000, China
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